Friday, November 19, 2010

guerrilla warfare-its the kids you have to worry about.

I am not a quitter!  I will not give up!! I will survive....give me a minute...
ok done singing...

Sometimes in the evening hours I am seriously emotionally challenged.  I don't have the ability to handle one more whine, cry or petty argument....

     SERIOUSLY!  Is it really important whether the I Carly chick is a good singer?
     Do you have to have a 20 minute argument about it? NO!! NO, IT'S NOT IMPORTANT!!!!

     I don't care WHO was in the bathroom're just washing your hands!

And on and on it goes!  I'm not crazy! No really...I'm not! So how is it I find myself doing that crazy lady clenched-jaw-while-trying-to-yell thing?  Often.  Every once in a while I go to my room and lock myself in the bathroom just so I can have a couple of minutes of peace and quiet.

I LOVE my kids...sometimes though, I wonder about them...

     The 11 year old swears she's got the correct information about EVERYTHING and she must impart her significant knowledge on everyone else.  So she's very quick to point out when either of the other two are not doing something correctly, or they're not following the rules to her exact specifications, or they just look dorky doing whatever they're doing....she's also in charge of the aesthetic aspect of everything. We're thinking of just handing her number she can give us our scores!

    My boy, who's 8, has a delightful lack of impulse control....did you jump of a high place? WAIT...he'll find one higher!  A few days ago my youngest...I'll explain her in a minute...comes running into the kitchen yelling "David's on the roof!! He climbed out the bathroom window!"  Yup...that's my Dave!  Someone wants to play pool...WAIT! Lets play extreme pool and put our hands on the edge of the table to see who can take the hardest hit!!  (To which Angie quickly says "DUH!! that's not a broken finger...its merely a contusion! And it makes your finger look ugly!!")  Lets have a race on our bikes.....WAIT! lets make a ramp out of some wood and see who can get the most air jumping over each other...lay down right here Rachel!!  He's the reason we buy medical supplies in bulk.

     The youngest...yeah, she's a hard one to catch.  Clearly, she has a future in the CIA or some kind of stealth secret forces or maybe investigative reporting....cause its AMAZING how she can tell you exactly what everyone is doing, where and why.  She would make a wonderful spy. She hides real else is she supposed to catch someone being bad.  She has a near photographic memory of everything her sibling have done wrong that week, month, year and will quickly remind me or dad of these transgressions when she thinks the situation calls for it.  She is VERY fast...I mean she is in front of me telling me this kid hit that kid before the kid being hit even feels the pain, its uncanny!  AND...girl knows how to turn a situation to her she's been bugging her brother (very quietly) for the last 20 minutes.  The minute he looses it and retaliates...tears, shaky bottom lip, big sad eyes...she's got it down to a science!!

   I know what you're thinking...where's the 4th kid?  Is he the good one? Never gives his mama trouble?  If you're asking that you obviously haven't read the older posts...SHAME ON YOU!

   He's hardly ever involved in the actual event... at 14 he's too mature to play with the "kids".  So obviously he wont join in the questionable activity...he's merely there as a consultant.  You know...just there to lend a hand if people get distracted, so he can helpfully lead them back to their fabulous idea.  He's a helper like that..never one to let an awesome idea go to waste...a got a plan? don't know how to pull it off? Not to worry...Al will help.  Just remember this was your idea...he'll just be watching from waaay back over here so he doesn't get in the way of your glorious moment!  He's the're the picture.  Got a problem?  Someone annoying you?  Well...he's a man of peace, so he wont become personally involved in any retribution...but he's got some great ideas about how you can deal with that person.  AND he's a great problem solver (as long as we're not talkin math) and delegator.  Mom said no more snacks its almost dinner time, but there's some great cookies sitting right there on the bottom shelf. Why Rachel is small and stealthy...Dave go do your stuff and act crazy over there to distract mom while Rachel sneaks in the pantry for the cookies.  If there's a way HE WILL FIND IT!

So you can understand why, by dinner time, I'm a little frazzled.  It takes an unbelievable amount of patience to deal with their skills! And ear takes patience and ear plugs!  And prayer...patience, ear plugs and prayer.
But when it comes down to it they might get into some crazy stuff, but between the 4 of them they almost always figure out a way to fix whatever mess they're in.  They fight and bicker ALL DAY but when the rubber meets the road, they almost always close ranks and stand together.  So if I can just keep my sanity, keep them out of the hospital and away from committing any actual crime in their exuberance I have no doubt they'll do just fine!

So really what I'm saying here is that my kids have POTENTIAL!!
 It's all in how you look at it!!!!

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