Monday, January 24, 2011

you started it....

Now I was sure I was grown up! I mean the wrinkles and random saggy parts pretty much point out the fact that my childhood is long over.  And from my perspective you're there too.  I'm pretty sure that we can now safely claim to be adults...

   side note: if you cannot safely claim to be an adult quit reading this and go do your homework!

...and, give or take a moment of insanity here and there, we should be able to behave like adults.  We should have by now kicked those habits that so annoy us in our adolescent (or pre-adolescent if they're on the fast track to annoy mom schedule), kids.  If you don't have kids, or kids that magical age...well still take a moment next time you're in line at a crowded store or walking through the mall on a Saturday and I'm sure you'll grasp what I'm saying.

And I suppose this is why I am just about ready to permanently stop watching any TV that doesn't include Spongebob in its commentary.  I am just astounded at how stupid and juvenile people have become.  I honestly don't care what particular circus animal you claim to politically follow...truly I don't.  I might think you're misguided, misinformed or honestly perhaps just plain naive...but if I loved you before, I'll still love you now.  Short of finding some kind of crazy animal bone shrine in your backyard, I might disagree with you, but I'm not gonna suddenly think you're nuts. 

What I fail to understand is how people can just assume that because you agree with this guy or that guy there's something wrong with you...unless you follow Hitler or Mao or Castro...then there's something wrong with you! ;)  What happened to being entitled to your opinion?  Sure I tend to veer in a much further conservative direction than many of my friends...and despite my attendance at some rallies here and there I can guarantee that NO ONE who knows me thinks I'm gonna flip my lid....

  ...well OK let me rephrase one who knows me thinks I'm gonna flip my lid any further and in a violent direction....I'm more likely to suddenly have purple hair, or a tattoo or a piercing or two when I finally do loose the couple of marbles rattling around in there!

So why is it that suddenly we've all decided, despite the many people we all know who belong to these various schools of thought, that anyone who believes in strict adherence to the Constitution is out of touch with today's reality! Or if you agree with the "Tea Party" principles you're an old, white racist guy! Or if you're a liberal Democrat you hate America!  We personally know these people! They are our friends, family members, coworkers...they ARE NOT that!

I mean hell...all of those are true, at some point, someone out there is THAT crazy.  But that' doesn't mean the entire group is! Jeez people...what are we in 7th grade again? You hang out with the nerds so you're a dork! You hang out with the jocks so you must be cool but dumb! You hang out with the cheerleaders, definitely dumb and easy to boot! (sorry...I'm still holding on to some high school trauma apparently!) 

I can hereby attest that I am NOT a white, old, racist oil barron...and yet I firmly believe and support many of the principles put forth by some pretty conservative groups.

On another side note...Sheriff Dipdunk, or whatever his name, who is viciously attacking a whole section of society IS an old white guy and a liberal which is kind of ironic...but I digress.

  I can further attest that although I am Christian I DON'T think everyone who doesn't believe exactly as I do is going to hell. Deciding that, and I say this with heartfelt thankfulness, ain't my job!! 

I have a whole list of sound reasons for why I don't support amnesty and for why I think its imperative that the border be secured...none of which include a racist thought as I do happen to be Mexican.  I have a whole list of sound reasons for why I don't support permanent entitlement programs without cutoffs...none of which include the fact that I hate poor people, having gone through tough financial times and been tremendously grateful for WIC when my first 2 kids were born I completely understand being broke.  I have whole lists of reasons for why I don't think abortion is a constitutional right, and owning a weapon is.  For why I don't think our government can or should make us buy a healthcare program they design.  My lists are long...and like them or hate them, I am entitled to them and to vote my conscience.

I'm sure at least one of you has the flip side of my lists...and that's ok, I still love ya!  I'm not suddenly gonna start calling you a Marxist or a communist or a socialist...unless you'd like me to call you that.    This is why our country has made it past most of the bull other countries haven't. This is why despite everything else being said we're all still here...although I've given serious thought to a little compound of my own in Costa Rica!

But if I hear one more idiot say that my conservative opinions or your liberal ones are gonna drive some crazy idiot to shoot up a market...well its just pissing me off!

Here's my public denouncement of any and all nuts, idiots, crazies, zealots, terrorists and jerks...I BELIEVE THEY ALL SUCK! THEY ARE ALL ASSES AND I DENOUNCE THEM AND ALL THEIR STUPID ACTIONS!!!

There...can we all be friends now?


  1. Well said Gina . . . can I still be in your friend even though I dance like an idiot, and often act nuts?
    Love, Pamela

  2. OH MY GOSH Pam...those are like on the top 5 things I love best in my friends!!!
    Plus...I do that its like a party all the time going on in our heads!!
