Friday, January 7, 2011

Its YOUR lucky day...two Gina posts in one day!!!

As I promised....the story of today's wonderful Walmart adventures:

So I was walking through our favorite Giganta-Walmart when who do I see but my favorite neighbor and BFF, whom I haven't seen since before Christmas due to our vacation.  So after some hugging and squealing with joy, (ok we didn't really squeal, but we were pretty dang happy to see each other!), we got to talking about this and that and how much we hate grocery shopping at which point she mentions that the worst part of going to Walmart for groceries is that the last few times some creepy old guy has hit on her...not the SAME creepy old guy, but completely DIFFERENT creepy old guys, which somehow just makes it worse.  I jokingly told her she was doing better than me cause I only get hit on by creepy old guys with no teeth at the Walmart.  

Not a minute later who strolls by but a CREEPY OLD GUY who promptly ditches his mother (HIS MOTHER!! how old was she if he's a creepy old guy!!!) to come over and chat us up! No kidding!! He ended our conversation by letting us know that "I'm old, but I love talking to pretty ladies!"  On the plus side...he did have all his teeth, or at least all the front ones! :)

I know what you're can this Walmart trip possibly get any better?


  My friend and I part ways and I continue my walk through the zoo...

There I am walking down the juice isle when I hear a very youthful sounding boy behind me snicker and say..."Wow! Muffin top buffet!"

Normally I would hang my head in shame, suck in as much as I could possibly suck in and walk away quickly...but today I was feelin feisty! 

So as soon as the words came out of his mouth I whipped around to face the miscreant and tear him an new one and three boys just froze in front of me like deer in the headlights.  The one with the smart mouth says "No! No ma'm! I didn't mean you!" and points his finger to the isle behind me.  I glance back and sure enough I see a lady whose bounty spectacularly overflowed the top of her pants.

 I turn my head back around to the boys and he tells me,  "I totally meant her! Not you! You look fine!" As soon as he said this he obviously realized he's just told a mom she looked fine in her pants cause his face positively COULD NOT have gotten any redder!!!

So now I'm killing myself trying not to crack-up, but I held it together and, since they were young 'uns, did my mom angry eyebrows and told them "Making fun of people doesn't make you funny, it makes you lame."  and walked away from the boys and what I'm sure was an exhuberant round of smack talk about me and my mom bit!

Yeah...awesome day at Walmart!!!


  1. I just love going to Walmart, its sooo entertaining there somedays! Reminder: I deleted LFF, in favor of starting the New Year with a new blog and new list of followers. I would love to continue having you as a follower.

  2. ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Brings back my Wal Mart experience!! LOL
