Saturday, October 30, 2010

This morning, once again, found me yelling myself hoarse during Dave's football game.  It really doesn't matter if we're up or down, offense or defense...heck it really doesn't even matter if my kid's on the field...I will holler like a loon for other people's kids!   I have come to notice  however, that sometimes....ok, lots of times...I'm the only one making such a ruckus. 

In fact at one point during the game I turned to Al and said "boy, them Black people sure are quiet!"
(Yes...I know, completely inappropriate!)  Al very quickly turned to me and said "Shh! Please call them the Broken Arrow people!"  But in my defense we were playing the Broken Arrow BLACK team...and since we always refer to the teams by their team color....well, you can see how this kind of thing might happen.  Somehow tends to happen to me more often than most!  Goes right back to my mouth moving before my brain can edit!!

  So...after a while I decided to pay more attention to myself....cause I hardly EVER do that and maybe I should...and I realized that while the other parents will cheer their kid or a good play,  I cheer and yell every play...EVERY play gets some kind of loud vocal emission from me, and if appropriate (and when is it not?!) some jumping and fist pumping!

  Now I still hold, with extreme pride, to the fact that I am NOT the crazy mom/dad yelling mad things at their kid or whacking that dang cow bell....although in the appropriate occasion I do LOVE ME SOME COWBELL!!!

   I did try to restrain myself.  I would go for a few plays....but...well it wasn't long before I'd forget I was supposed to be controlling myself and find myself on my feet whooping it up!  I don't think I can help it...its like some kind of sporting event Tourrete Syndrome.
The more  I think about it, the more I thank God that neither of my girls has ever been into the "fancy" girl activities....they're into soccer and competitive dance/cheer...which totally allow for my demented cheering and hollering!

Can you imagine the sheer lunacy of the situation if either of them were into ballet...I can't really see a point  during that kind of performance where it would be ok for me to jump up yelling WOOOOO!!! GO RACHEL!!!! or GET 'EM ANGIE!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!! ...and I suppose a quick "TAKE HER DOOOOOWN!!!" would never fly!! 

I mean....I'm sure ballet is great and all, but its not like I can ever say  "Hey! you gonna let that little girl in the yellow tutu play you like that? you go out there and toe point her butt off that stage!!  Yeah...I'm not really a very passive audience.  I'm sure I'd be back stage during intermission telling my girl "If she stands in front of you again and blocks you, you trip her!"

Yeah...I'm just not a mom made for the finer arts!

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