Friday, January 7, 2011

Its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new life....but first let me get my coffee!

Well howdy ya'll!

I've sure missed blabbing my mouth all over the place the last couple of weeks!

And I will tell all about my family Christmas vacation...but I'm still processing it and I don't want to short change give me another couple of day to gather my thoughts!

For today's subject I have chosen a delightful topic full of intrigue and suspense, with just a hint of whiny annoyance and the subtle bouquet of dysfunction.

As I meandered through the cornucopia of wonderful posts on Facebook yesterday...and NO I DON'T spend all day on FB contrary to popular opinion ;)...I noticed a subtle pattern to some of the offerings to be had.  And being the investigative researcher for the Maury Povich show that I am, (not really, but it sure feels like it sometimes!) I quickly went to the pages of those I hold most near and dear...and some I barely know but befriended cause I like how they roll...and read through a short history of their statuses.

    Yes, I know, a little creepy...but its not like you didn't intend for me to read them, you just weren't expecting me to read them all at once!

And you know what I found...the cranky are usually cranky, the woe-is-me are usually woe-is-me (if I ever call you a wim...know you've got to get off the woe-is-me train!), and the happy are usually happy.  My very favorite posts are the ones from people who have a consistent God is awesome and Jesus rocks posts interspersed with the random F-you, S*#@ sucks and you're an a** posts.  I mean I ain't no saint, and I do have the occasional potty mouth...but I try not to do it in a public format. I'm a closet cusser.  And its kinda hard to sell the "I'm completely sold out to Jesus message" when the post after it is peppered with "sentence enhancers"!  I don't think that's what Jesus would do if He were on FB...just sayin...

OF COURSE I immediately hopped over to my page and reviewed my posts to see where I fall...and surprise surprise, I'm all over the place!  I noticed I fall under all 4 categories at chunks at a time...

   I think I could track my cycle by my FB posts, but that's another topic

...this to me is a clear example of my inability to long term anything.  I just don't seem to have the mental capacity to hold on to one particular theme for too long.  Although I will say I noticed a pretty consistent "I strongly dislike 'THE MAN'" and "boy I sure am exercising lots!" themes...the latter of which is pretty annoying even to me so I shall make a concerted effort to quit posting that so much.  Just make sure and tell me I look awesome when you see me (even if I don't) so I get some kind of feedback! :)  Just by reviewing my posts for the last couple of months I get a pretty clear picture of where I am...and where I'm not. 

Anyway, enough about, I can sense some of you getting a little miffed, but be sure this totally isn't about you, your posts are always funny, touching, inspiring and mentally stable...its those other guys I'm talking about! ;)

I have to be honest and tell you all that I had a good laugh reading through some of your stuff...some of you are absolutely hilarious!  Others of you...well I'd just suggest taking a moment to read through your posts.  Notice a pattern? Are most of your posts complaints? Why?  Is there NOTHING good happening around you? I mean, don't get me wrong...this entire blog is a history of my complaints (although versed in a comical light), but I warned you from the get go this was my version of free therapy!  So...I'd like to suggest that you take a moment to smell the roses, even if you have to go around the dog poo you just stepped on to get there!

Thanks to those of you that always have a happy I'm not saying you have to feed me an inspirational quote of the day...heck if you want to post about the really self-important guy in line in front of you at the Starbucks with his zipper blatantly down.. well that's just as wonderful! I'll take a good laugh any day!!

To my friends that share my dislike of The Man...I hear ya!! And I'm totally there...but my friend told me she could get us into a really nice White House tour when we make it up to DC and I'd hate to be on any "Hell No!" list.  So from now on I will try to post some positive things about our government types...when you read these posts just make sure you use a sharply sarcastic tone! :)

I refuse to make any promises about what I post...cause I'll forget anyway!  Just take what I offer and either inhale its wonderfulness, internalize its meaningfulness, get fired up by my rabble-rouserness (is that a word?) pee your pants at my comedic genius or shake your head and walk away.

Makes no difference to me...I can't see you anyway!

Have a great day ya'll...or don't....just make sure and post about it later! :)


  1. I love this! LOL. I am totally the negative nelly. But only on my facebook, on days when i'm mad (haha)

  2. Gina you crack me up!! I think you and I were twins seperated at birth!!!

  3. we just might be miss becca...cause I keep insisting to my family that I MUST be adopted!!

  4. I just <3 your blog!!

    I have awarded you the stylish blog award!

    Go here to accept your award :-D
