Doesn't it sometimes feel like life is just one big game of dodgeball...except the balls are huge, made of rock and there's apparently 15 really big guys chucking them at you...and somehow your feet are stuck in one place?
Or is it just me?
Can I get a time-out? Or maybe can we play t-ball rules...once you nail me 10 times you win? At the very least let me get a darn helmet so we can avoid potential brain damage!!
And who's in charge here? Is there a ref somewhere? Is there a time limit? Cause I got stuff to do and I don't want to play this game all day! What are the rules here? Surely I remember only get to hit me ONCE and then I can go off to the sidelines and be safe from further painful pelting! And who the heck put gum on the bottom of my shoes?!!!
Can I just be a quitter? You can totally call me names, I don't care...but I don't wanna play anymore!
I didn't sign up for this...this isn't fun! Can I join the chess team instead? Maybe play hopscotch?
....wait... I remember there being rocks involved there too... but they were little rocks and they're not thrown AT you....ok I think I can do hopscotch as long as every once in a while there's an emphasis on the scotch.
OH to go back to those days....where the worst part of your day was when the "it" girl called you a loser and you just punched her in the face and got on with your day!
What? You didn't do that? that's just me?
OK...when the "it" girl called you a loser and you sat around in the playground being sad...for like 5 minutes till you found something fun to do. there's hardly ever any recess time, the "it" people are MUCH worse and do much more horrible things than calling you a loser (although those jerks never do outgrow that and still call you that fairly often!) and you can't punch them in the face cause now it's a felony! this life crap is hard!
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