ahhhh...my friends its been a loooong week.
Which is weird cause its been less busy than usual! I guess starting the week off on a candy binge didn't help any!
I'm kind of in a funk I guess...not feeling very motivated, energized or interested really.
I think I need a new challenge
... based on my Facebook activity, yesterday, I guess, was a "see how many people you can tick off in one day" challenge! :) And apparently...I have incredible skills in that area! If there were some way to earn money with those skills...I'd be rolling in it! Which would probably just lead me to more trouble...so I guess its a good thing I haven't found that job yet!!
SOOO...new new challenge (before someone beats me up!)
lets review my manifold skills and abilities....
I will review them quietly in my head so I don't make you all feel so bad...
OK....anything that doesn't involve public speaking, folding laundry or math in any of its formats is a go!!
Maybe its time for me to go back to school for something. I have a whole list of things I want to learn! Sure most of them are not really "career choices"...I don't think Oklahoma has much of a demand for scuba divers.
I totally wanna be a pastry chef! But I already don't make the best eating decisions...and knowing how to whip up fantastic desserts probably wouldn't help me there.
I've always wanted to be an archaeologist...but I don't like getting dirty much and have a short attention span. So I'd get fired real quick when I got tired of brushing the bone of whatever with the tiny paintbrush and busted out the leaf blower!
HEY....If I become a professional scuba diver I can then become a professional sunken treasure hunter...THAT would be awesome!!
But I don't think its realistic now...maybe when the kids are grown-up...
OK...maybe I just need to get around to writing my first book now. Its literally in the top 3 of my life's to do list. I just don't handle rejection well. I mean, I wont go after you with a bat or anything...maybe...but it will surely ruin my week! I'm such a chicken!! Its pathetic!
hmmmm...notice a pattern here? Whole bunch of ideas...even bigger bunch of BUTs!
UGGHHHH....lets not talk about big butts. Now there's a challenge!!! :)
I've gotta really sit down and make a list of goals...short and long term. Although, for me, long term is probably only a few months out tops...otherwise I'd forget what I was supposed to be doing for sure!
First goal for today...time to get back on the evil treadmill! My week of recovery is now over...I gave myself an extra day just to be on the safe side :)...but IF (notice its a big if) I'm gonna do the El Paso marathon in March...I'd better get cracking.
Second goal for today...try not to piss anyone off! That's gonna be a hard one!!! :)
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