So here I am, on just day 2 of this fitness challenge/competition I've joined
and already the BS in my head has started.
I'm draggin butt, sore and desperately wanting to go back to bed. And someone in my head is running color commentary...
"Now? You're gonna do this NOW? You thought pushin 40 with a half-wonky knee was a good time to do this? Maybe you shoulda thought about this like 15-20 years ago!"
I have this picture in my head (probably inspired by the pictures of the winners of last year's challenge) of what I'll look like when this is done. But my head's color commentator isn't buying it.
"Wow! I mean wow...really? That's a really optimistic...and by optimistic I mean unrealistic... picture isn't it? Hellooo...4 kids later! You'd need a magic wand not a workout plan!"
And seriously, I mean... yeah. right? I'm almost 40 and the only things bouncing back are the things that shouldn't be at this point! My knee wont be 100% for a while still, my shoulder has joined my knee in the complaints department and if someone started adding up all the other times I quit one thing or another in my life it'd be a full-time job.
Fortunately for me, I've got a coach/accountability partner/cheerleader that is second to none. Pam DOES NOT take any bull. She's not interested in my excuses, my complaints, or my "yeah, but". So when I don't want to, she's the voice I hear saying "AWWWW HELL NO!!"
And I need it. Cause I'm NOT going to be a quitter this time. My 'I' wont be used in that word anymore!
Cause I'm almost 40 dang it! That's 4 decades of accumulated knowledge, experience and awesomeness to draw from. So if I decide NOW is the's cause I'm finally prepared, ready, focused, self-confident and able to GET IT DONE!!