Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rachel vs Jillian Michaels

The Tulsa Shock came to Rachel's school today for the "Time out for Fitness" assembly.

Who are the Tulsa Shock you ask?  You animal! How dare you not know of the unmatched Tulsa WNBA team!!! The nerve!

So a couple of players, some cheerleaders (David was heartbroken and deeply disturbed that his class did not go to this event...where there were cheerleaders...pretty pretty cheerleaders...) and VOLT!

"Volt is awesome! I love Volt! Really...I love him!" 
From the moment she got home, till I sent her to bed...that's pretty much all I heard.

Volt said....

Volt did...

Volt showed us...

Apparently this Volt (the team mascot - most likely a fox) did a whole presentation, complete with backflips and lots of jumping around, about fitness.   He gave the kids this brochure with all kinds of info about exercise, eating well and creating good habits.

 So all evening Rachel ran around...literally...jogged around the house, jumping-jacked around the house, lunged around the house, did arm circles around the house, butterfly-kicked around the house, knee-lifted around the house... you see where this is going

I had to holler at her twice to sit down during dinner because she would get up and jump around while eating her pizza (probably not too horrible an idea).  I don't know if she continued her exercise mania during church...and I don't want to know either.

As part of her fitnesspalooza evening she also came up with a fitness slogan she's gonna share with everyone so she can help them get fit....prepare yourself...


This was where she started channeling Jillian Michaels...

"mom, you just gotta tell people they HAVE to be fit.  It makes you sick if you're not!  So if I see someone and they're fat I'm gonna tell them BE FIT NOT FAT!" 


oh no...

not good...

it's a good thing she didn't proceed to tell me, the person with the authority to spank her hiney, to BE FIT NOT FAT...cause them's fightin words!

I had to crush her dream of the Rachel BE FIT NOT FAT fitness craze (I know I keep writing it in's cause she was VERY emphatic every time she said it!) with a discussion about nice words vs hurtful words.

She's in the process of developing a new slogan.

I'll keep you updated...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

completely unmeaningful hilariousness

So this begins as so many of my finer moments the Walmart.

I'm waiting in line in front of this lady and she's got 2 little younger than the basket of the cart with all the groceries piled in around them.  It's been a looooong wait and she's flipping through magazines and talking on her phone.  I hear the kids kinda being rowdy and hear her tell them to be quiet and settle down.

   So, of any professional mother with vast experience will do...I kinda glance over my shoulder at the kiddies in the basket because my trouble sensor was tingling.  I notice they are literally sitting on several items (like veggies, a box of muffins, some bagels...) that definitely should not be sat on.  I look up and she's completely oblivious; on the phone and getting her important news update courtesy of Woman's Day. 

  Oh and learn I always say. So I turn around and continue to wait.

Couple of minutes later I hear a giggle...followed by a bigger giggle...followed by SHHHHHH!!

A glance back reveals mom still completely immersed in whether Kim K. has a new Saudi beau and how she lost 10 pounds to catch him and her phone conversation (which apparently was not very engrossing)...the kids however had managed to open the ketchup bottle in the cart and were squirting it around and finger painting to their little hearts' content.

I did what any other person would do "Excuse me ma'am..."  

The response I got... she didn't even acknowledge me.  She raised the "hold on" finger at me without even looking my way, rather rudely and emphatically I might add.  Who could she possibly be talking to and what information contained within the bastion of knowledge know as STAR magazine could make someone unable to look at a person trying to address them?  The world may never know!

Meh...alrighteee then. 

So I did what probably not every other person would do...I looked them kids square in the eyes, gave them a biggo smile, (cause someone has to appreciate their artistic endeavors) and turned back around.  Just in time to start loading my items onto the register belt thingy.

The high pitched shrieking and shocked mutterings of "OH MY GOD...what are you doing?!!! OH MY GOD!!!" a minute later told me the jig was up. 

Since there was no way I could possibly deal with the situation now without excessive laughter and possibly peeing my pants,  I quickly paid for my stuff, shared a conspiratorial smile with the checker (who I'm pretty sure witnessed the whole thing) and left as quickly as possible laughing and snorting as quietly as possible.


Monday, March 5, 2012


I really think most of us have been here.  If you haven't, congratulations and prepare yourself...cause you day.  And whether it's been years, months, days or hours, there's a reason we have that lovely "light at the end of the tunnel" saying...  There absolutely is light and love and perfection in death...especially in the death of our "selves" when we turn our mess over to God.

I hate it. I hate all of it!
The feeling that everything that could have been is gone.  The feeling that everything you've worked for, believed in, trusted in, planned around - gone.
Tossed away   disappeared   just because.
I can't see a good reason for it.  I can't understand what good can possibly come from it. 
I hate it!

So what can I do?  What can I do but yell and cry and throw a few things?  What can I do but rage and cuss and moan?  What can I do but weep and feel lost and fall to my my forehead to the floor in despair...and do it all over again...and again...

But I yell and cry and rage and weep and fall before You.  And You hear it.  You see it.  You feel it with me.  And I feel You.

It could have been hours or days or months...forehead and knees pressed to the floor.  Angry words, sad words, wordless moans falling at Your feet.   
But You never left me.  You emptied me of it all, collected every feeling and word and thought so nothing was left to poison me.  Until the only thing left was You and me...but mostly You.

And I love it.  I love all of it!
The feeling of everything You've been and will always be.  The feeling of everything You've worked in me, believed in me, entrusted to me, planned around me - here  living  breathing  growing   Just because You love me!
I don't need to find a good reason for it.  I don't need to understand what good will come of it...I just KNOW it will!

Because the only thing left is You!

Friday, March 2, 2012

you are

God and I have been writing love songs to each other these last couple of weeks (yes. it's THAT kind of feel free to tune out if you wanna).  Let me tell you, He's waaay better than me! 
And, although I never thought I'd do this, (cause in the normal scheme of me I tend to usually giggle at other people's poetic writing, not in a mean way...well not usually in a mean way...more in a "wow! you sure have deep thoughts that I'll never understand." kinda way) I decided to share this...mostly for my wonderful friends who humor the many faces of me!

In the pinnacle and the abyss, in the torrent and the mist; You are.
In the silence and the shout, in boldness and in doubt; You are.
The fire that burns inside, my ever present guide; You are.
In the mother's lullaby, in the wounded heart's cry; You are.
In the shadow and the light, in the weakness and the fight; You are.
The glow of first love, the hope from above; You are.
In the desert and the rain, in the joy and in the pain; You are.
In the stillness and the rush, in love's tender touch; You are.
In the stranger's helping hand, in the faith to finally stand; You are.
So let my prayer always be
let there be less of me,  so when they look, all they'll see is who You are.