Its easy to forget freedom and democracy are a messy business. While we sit here snug in our Constitution and our rights we forget that it took thousands and thousands of deaths, it took decades, it took this country nearly being split in half before we could settle into our cushy Democracy. We read about it for a couple of weeks in 7th grade and then move on. Heck its ANCIENT news...why spend too much time on the Revolutionary War when we got exciting stuff going on now! I mean all's well that ends well...why rehash it every 5 minutes when we got it all figured out!
Its no surprise that we want every country to enjoy what we enjoy, its freaking awesome after all! ...but can't they be neater and nicer about it? Can't this be done in like a couple of days so our programing isn't interrupted by breaking news coverage? God! How long can it take to just install a good government anyway! SHEESH!
Is it crazy to think what's happening in Egypt should be "fixed" quickly? Pick the good guys, get them a good guy government and everyone go home and enjoy! Yeah...that's how you get Saddam, or for that matter Mubarak. As hard as it may be for us, who have the market cornered on awesome governments and all, we should perhaps consider that the people that actually live know the ones risking their lives protesting in the street...should get to pick their new leader. Not the US or Europe or whomever else. Its a messy business this freedom and democracy might take more than 5 minutes. Thank goodness we here in America...the beacon of freedom and democracy... have redbox and cable available to us while the rest of the world gets its act together!!
While I wait for the next thing that will come along and entertain me I guess I'll take a moment to pray for the people half a world away fighting tooth and nail for the freedoms we don't think are good enough anymore!